Namespace TypedRest
TypedRest helps you build type-safe fluent-style REST API clients
NuGet: TypedRest
- TypedRest.CommandLine
Build command-line interfaces for TypedRest clients.
NuGet: TypedRest.CommandLine
- TypedRest.Endpoints
Endpoints represent URIs that provides methods for operating on specific resources.
- TypedRest.Errors
Handling errors in HTTP responses.
- TypedRest.Http
Helper methods and structures for performing HTTP requests.
- TypedRest.Links
Handling links between HTTP resources.
- TypedRest.OAuth
HttpClient DelegatingHandler for OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect authentication.
NuGet: TypedRest.OAuth
- TypedRest.Serializers
Serialization of entities sent to and received from the server.
- ActivityExtensions
Provides extension methods for Activity.
- ArrayExtensions
Provides extension methods for arrays.
- ExceptionExtensions
Provides extension methods for Exception.
- ServiceCollectionExtensions
Provides extension methods for IServiceCollection.
- TaskExtensions
Provides extension methods for Task and Task<TResult>.
- TypeExtensions
Provides extension methods for Type.
- UriExtensions
Provides extension methods for Uri.